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Let’s Talk Logos. Take a look at how it all comes together!
Here’s a comparison. The one in black is…well it’s rather plain. The other one “pops”! It has color, but its design is still considerate of how it would look in monochrome or black & white for cases like business stationary or bills. In its defense, the black could be an appropriate style for a legacy business….like a bank or a title company or a business that’s been here 100 years. But in this case, it’s a preschool and the old school times-new roman font is just plain. Preschool should be fun, right?
More considerations: How many times have you seen something like this?
John Smith, inc.
Looks majestic. Hey, he’s incorporated so we know that much. Still, who is he? What does he do? Has he or his company been around for decades, meaning we should KNOW who he is or what he does? His logo (or lack thereof) sure stands out but it’s pretty puzzling to someone who has no idea who he is or what he does.
Okay, this is better. Suitable for a web site? A little small, but would probably work. Now, consider this:
If you’re travelling down the street. You see his van. This is what you see. You still see his name, you can’t quite read the phone number if he’s moving past you or you’re stopped and he crosses in front of you. So what should he do? Here is what we could offer to him as a possible logo:
This still emphasizes his company name, but also includes the services and the icons that help identify his services. The telephone number is a huge asset because it’s also something memorable. Possibly even more-so than his web site address (if he has one). The web site address is becoming more important in today’s world and it is especially memorable if it’s something catchy such as “helpmejohn.com” . The web address would be put below the phone number. Now, here’s what his van looks like now:
These are the kinds of things we think about when we design a logo and why. When you choose Montana Sites & Graphics, you can bring us any ideas you have or even just bring your name and we can bring your design to life. Let’s make it happen!